We source all our timber from British woodlands, working with suppliers such as forestry contractors, timber hauliers and harvesting managers.

Logs come in by the artic load, which roughly equals 25 tonne of wood. It is then offloaded using the crane on the lorry to our stacking area where it is then taken in for processing through either one of our Tajfun processors. These cut the logs to 8.5 inches, and split them into the necessary diameter.

Logs are put into IBC crates, which are then stacked up ready for kiln drying. Using the waste wood, our biomass kilns run 24/7 and the logs are dried to below 20% moisture over 7 days.

The logs are then ran over a cleaner to take all the waste and smaller bits out, and then out into bulk bags ready for delivery.

Looking for quality seasoned hardwood logs delivered across Wirral?